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A father laughing and playing with his two children on a couch

What is HypoPARAthyroidism?

HypoPARAthyroidism is a rare endocrine disorder that is characterized by low calcium levels and low or absent parathyroid hormone (PTH). This condition may result from neck surgery. It can also be inherited and/or be associated with other disorders.

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A woman and a man are side-hugging and laughing while sitting in front of water

Our Mission

We are a non-profit patient association working to improve the lives of people impacted by hypoPARAthyroidism through education, support, research, and advocacy. We are here to raise awareness of hypoPARAthyroidism and to bring change to the lives of those affected. With your help we can make a difference.


Patient Stories

A photo of Peace wearing rose colored glasses.

One of the most exciting things in my most recent research is finding your organization. Literally seeing a bunch of people on video who had hypoPARA. Coming from a place where I thought I was the only one, this was heartwarming and inspirational to me.

Headshot of Deb speaking over blue background in video

Living with HypoPARA: A Video Story

300 million people worldwide are currently living with a rare disease. Learn what it’s like to live with hypoPARA.

Watch Video

Important Stats


262 thousand people worldwide have hypoPARA.


Over 60% of hypoPARA patients are post-surgical.


75% of people with hypoPARA are female.